Welcome to Velixo Reports Version 4.3

We are excited to announce the newest version of Velixo Reports, Version 4.3.
We pride ourselves on continually advancing our product, to make your job easier, and to help you make better business decisions. This evolution brings new features that maximize the power of Excel, increases the ease of reporting and enhances customer satisfaction.
Here’s what’s new in Velixo 4.3.
Main Enhancements
- Full support for the latest Acumatica 2019 R2 release and the upcoming MYOB Advanced 2019.1 release. For information on how to upgrade from an older version of Acumatica or MYOB Advanced, read this article.
Velixo Reports 4.3 is certified for Acumatica 2019 R2, in time for the launch this week (sponsored by Velixo!)
- Added support for VBA Automation; key features such as Refresh, Distribution List, Writeback and Drilldown are now exposed for use in your own VBA macros.
- It is now possible to refresh reports automatically when opening a file; this can be configured from the Options screen.
- The Hide Zero Rows option has been extended to support hiding zero columns; an “Unhide All” option has been added as well in the same menu for convenience.
- The subaccount name now shows up automatically in the drilldown tab when drilling down on GL values.
- When opening a file with multiple connections, you can now apply the same credentials to every connection in your workbook by holding the SHIFT key when you click on the Connect button, so you don’t have to enter the same password over and over.
Miscellaneous Improvements
- Added option to include only active accounts when inserting the chart of accounts in a sheet.
- From the connection manager, it is now possible to see the license status of a connection (expiration date, modules licensed, URL)
- Improvements to the distribution list functionality when using templates and macro-enabled workbooks.
- Removed the TODAY() function from the default GL writeback template to avoid unwanted recalculations triggered by the use of a volatile function.
- Resolved an issue with GL Writeback that could occur if you don’t have the PM module licensed.
- Resolved an issue with GL Writeback that could occur on systems with non-US date formats.
- GL Writeback now validates the projects and tasks used before submitted the batch to Acumatica to ensure and will warn you if a project or task is inactive.
For more information, we have documentation available on support.velixo.com which has been significantly enhanced in the last few weeks.
Each time we release a new version we are enhancing all the features you currently love in Velixo Reporting and Excel, whilst pushing the boundaries with more tools.
For support, tips, and tricks or any other inquiry, please do not hesitate to contact our Velixo team a [email protected].
Alternatively, you can visit us at www.velixo.com to schedule a demo.
We hope you enjoy Version 4.3.