Tip of the Day: Connecting to Multiple Tenants and Building Consolidated Reports with Velixo

There are plenty of frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) about Velixo Reports, so we decided to tackle some of the most occurring questions through a ‘tip of the day’ post.
This tip is to help those who want to connect to multiple tenants when building consolidated reports!
You can connect to multiple tenants and even multiple instances (you could even be running different Acumatica-based products – MYOB Advanced in Australia/New Zeland, CEGID in France, Lexware in Germany – yes, it works!).
It’s simple — you just reference the connection name in your formulas. Drilldown works even on consolidated reports; you’ll see where the data is coming from, and Excel will take you to the right instance/tenant when you click ‘View Transactions’.
We have features designed to make this type of reporting more convenient: the new SHIFT-Click on Connect button that was added in 4.2. Also when you open a file, we speed up the connection process by connecting to multiple tenants simultaneously for better performance.
To find out more please contact us at [email protected].