Home Introducing our new Help & Community portals

Introducing our new Help & Community portals

Damien Zwillinger
4 min

We are thrilled to announce the availability of our brand new Help & Community portals, available at help.velixo.com.

This new Help Center delivers a fresh new experience to product documentation and will enhance our interactions with you as a Velixo user thanks to new features, channels, and processes. Specifically, the new Help Center delivers the following in one centralized place:

The new Help portals

The new help portal features two logical sub-portals.

Each portal provides the same features, however, they include more or less content – as we have restructured it so that we can provide better and the most relevant knowledge base articles to you based on your ERP and the Velixo product you use. Those logical sub-portals are:

The new Community forums

Finally, you have a place to share your good work and engage with your peers!

View those Community forums as an extra source of Help and ideas – help of a different kind (that falls outside of the standard Velixo Support Services) and may be more collaborative. This is a community platform in the form of various forums, that we are making available to users who speak the exact same “language” as you, may they be in the same industry as your organization or a different one, have a similar job title as you or not.

Those forums are yours, Velixo plans to only moderate them (if needs be) and make sure that they always provide a great, safe, and pleasant community experience. We also reserve the right to comment from time to time, especially if you seek our comments, however, please bear in mind that Velixo won’t monitor them as well as tickets.

Our Community portals include:

We hope you enjoy the new Help & Community experience! If you have any questions, please either ask your Customer Success Manager or Submit a ticket in the new Help portal.



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